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Tuesday, June 11, 2013


What do I need to do before I can receive my commission on my sales?
You need to make sure that you have sent in your W-9 or W-8 (Canadians), Independent Associate Agreement and your licensing document(s) for the state in which you live, as any commission will be held pending until the originals of these forms are received in our office at 3200 W Wilshire Blvd, Oklahoma City, OK 73116. After receipt of these completed and signed documents any commissions pending will be paid to you through direct deposit to the bank and account you have designated for your Direct Deposit of commissions. Setting up direct deposit can be done through your back office once you have made a sales or clicked on the "Become an Associate" link, or you can submit a completed Direct Deposit form with a copy of a voided check attached via email to or faxed to (405) 607-2500.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Basic MCA Marketing Strategies & Tips

Basic MCA Marketing Strategies & Tips - To help you with your Motor Club of America Business!

Hey guys, I've seen that a lot of people are having trouble marketing MCA or your sponsor isn't supporting you or telling you how to get sale's. So in this article I will share with you basic MCA marketing strategies & tips that I use.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Where would you go? What would you do?

     What if you walk into the job you've been working for the last 2, 4, 6, 8 years and tomorrow senior management told you that the direction the company is moving in is one that can’t accommodate you and that you should pack your things by noon, and someone will escort you off the premises?  
     Where would you go? What would you do?  How prepared are you to move on?  Do you depend on that check so much that if you had to live without a job for the next 1, 2, 5 years, you would be in the handout lines?  The answer is probably a resounding yes.